Sunday, April 27, 2008

My daughter got a car!

We are very fortunate!

A very caring family member let us buy their car for my daughter. She's had her license for over a year and we've been sharing three cars among four driving adults all that time. It seemed that we were constantly shuffling our schedules around on a daily basis just so we could all make it to our appointments: my work customers, our school schedules and our work schedules. The blessing in all this is that we have all worked together to make it through these tough times.

It has also helped that my daughter's boyfriend who is a Marine stationed nearby has been staying with us off and on - we have a guest bedroom for him - so he has helped with the driving needs. He's a really good young man and very mature for his age. I feel bad for him sometimes because I dont think he had many options when he joined the Marines. He just turned 19 recently and says that he's in training for Afghanistan but I worry that he'll get sent to Iraq. He is proud to be a Marine. I wish our country were 100% united behind our young men and women in the service.

My son has talked of joing the service also. He almost joined with some of his friends right after HS graduation. But I steered him toward college so that if he does enter the service he could join as an officer. I am proud of my son and support him 100% no matter which direction he chooses to go in his life.

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