Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Debt status

Been a while since I last posted. Thought I'd bring this blog up-to-date.

My CC debt is now at $74,000. Last year (2009) I paid back $26,000.

We had a medical expense of about $8000 so I guess I really paid back $34,000 in 2009. That's a lot of cash. Oh well.

I'm down to a $1000 emergency fund. I'm also back to delaying some monthly CC payments. Just don't have the cash in my budget. Last year my income dropped $20K from the previous year.

Got a call from our ex-car lease company yesterday. They said as long as I can make a payment on our "end of (lease) term" balance then it - the $9,444 owed - won't go to collections. I probably need to add that $9.4K onto my total debt which would make it go up to $83.4K owed as of today. Nothing I can do about it.

I'm still working my 2nd job that adds to our overall income so that helps.

I heard Obama is going to speak tonight about helping the middle class - too bad he defined the middle class as an income level of $85K and below. I've already short sold my house two years ago, burned through my savings a longer time ago and am back to living paycheck to paycheck with two kids in college. Lotta fun these days.

Oh well, we'll see what 2010 brings.


Jeffrey J said...

Funny how big media says economy improving when I think it just leveling out at best. Know things not improving for me and I am self-employed. Many still say best to own a home. I always thought best to not buy one until you can pay cash for it. Maybe if more thought like me not be this mess as prices would of not gone up like did. I always laughed when saw prices of homes now they down to what I thought they should cost. Might be dumb to rent but sometimes it dumber to buy a house. When went to big city in state house prices were way lower then should be so where the bubble really burst it did not correct it did cliff dive. This economy just proving what I thought all along cash is king. Forget the world who thinks credit is king. Once finish all my credit down when lost mind tad I going back to being hard headed.

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